I am a third-generation violinmaker. I grew up in my dad’s workshop, and was introduced to the craft from a very young age. At the age of 12 I built my first violin and ever since then I how found joy and happiness, crafting string instruments. In my late teenage years, I had a brief break in making violins, but after spending half a year on Uldum Højskole I regained my interest and joy for the craft and sent an application to study at the Chicago School of Violinmaking. I started studying in Chicago in the fall 2016, under the guidance of Becky Elliot and Fred Thompson and later under the guidance of the accomplished Antoine Nedelec. After graduating in 2019 I moved back home and started working on establishing my self as a violin maker, focusing on improving the tonal qualities of my instruments. My main focus is the tonal quality of the sound and playability of the instrument. My biggest ambition and philosophy for my instruments is for them to spread joy, wonder and love for the people that play them and hear them.